Osman Bayrak
- Select the correct hoop size in the Home Menu before starting the design.
- Use the Trace function to help avoid this problem.
- The Full Height Jacket Back Hoop will lose about 2 inches at the bottom of the hoop towards the front of the machine due to the depth of the hoop bracket. The only sewing field to select in the home menu for this hoop size is "All Sewing Fields" to get maximum sewing room. However, the 2 inches will still be lost at the bottom of this hoop size. Turning off "Rack Limits" will not allow any more room, as the pantograph is very near physical limits, and this is why the 2 inches are lost.
- If Rack Limits are reached no where near the physical limits of smaller hoops & sewing fields, check the Home Menu "Hoop Selection" for the hoop size that is currently selected. If the error continues, configure the machine again using the information in the Operator's Manual. Send the design to the machine again to see if the error is fixed.
- If not, call your distributor.