Propeel / iColor 2-Step White Toner Transfer A to B Sheet Marrying Issues?
Ryan Hallahan
Tip 1:
(Reference instructions specific to your paper type and its settings at the product description) 99% of the time, we've found that the person's heat-press, the environment/climate (humidity too high/low in the room) etc. have caused issues in the marrying process
Tip 2:
If the humidity is perfect 45-55% and the heat press is up to date, calibrated to the correct heating, and the right pressure settings: pressure, how much heat, and how long you press it. If the heat press is fine, next step is location.
Tip 3:
If the floor is fuzzy carpet, all of the sheets have a possibility of sticking together due to static electricity.
Tip 4:
If you're not getting the right amount of ampage, standard may print but Pro-Peel could encounter issues.
Tip 5:
Make sure in the Queue that you have the right paper selected.
Make sure in the Page tab that you have the right layout size selected.
Tip 6:
iColor settings:
Making sure you have the right media selected. Confirm white under base % matches what is recommended for your paper according to its instructions.
*Reach out to our dedicated support team if you are still unable to get a good marry*