Anajet Sprint Wait Light Error


Diagnosis: When printing, the Wait Light turns on and does not turn off.

Solution: There are two things that can cause this type of problem. The first one is the most common
and should be tried first but if this does not correct the problem then try second step.

 1) If wait Light comes on but does not turn off, then you have most likely need to reset the
Service Counter. Just power down the machine in the back and turn it back on. As the machine
starts, the Control Panel LCD will display “reset service counter” and a repeated beeping will
sound about once per second. Open your AnaJet SPRINT Utility and select the Reset Service
Counter Button.Then power the machine off in the back and wait a few seconds, then power
back on.

Note: If you need help resetting the Service Counter, read Reset Service

2) If you have followed the first step and the Wait Light still stays on, then you will need to
power your machine off from the back and clean your Encoder Strip. Once the machine is
powered down you will need to loosen the Print Head as you would when you do your
maintenance so that you can clean the entire Encoder Strip. Once clean, power the printer back
on and see if the Wait Light goes away.

Note: Go Here If you need help on cleaning the Encoder Strip

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